Լեզուն սովորելու ամենաօգտակար հատվածներից մեկը reading-ն է։
Ընթերցանության միջոցով մենք միաժամանակ աշխատում ենք մի քանի ուղղությամբ՝ սովորում ենք նոր բառապաշար, անգլերեն շարահուսությունը մեզ դառնում է ավելի հարազատ, մեր մտքում ֆիքսվում են տարբեր արտահայտություններ որոնք հետագայում օգտագործում ենք մեր խոսքում, բայց մենք առաջարկում ենք ավելին . . .
Աուդիո գրքերը կրկնապատկում են գրքերի օգտակարությունը, քանի որ միաժամանակ կարդալով ու լսելով, կարողանում եք հիշել բոլոր այն նոր բառերը որոնց արտասանությունը ձեզ անծանոթ է, և կարդալու հետ մեկտեղ զարգացնում ենք նաև ձեր լսողական հմտությունները
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The Royal Family
The tradition of British aristocrats is more than a thousand years old. The royal family keeps a large number of ancient traditions. In fact, they themselves are part of the history. But besides, the members of the royal family are also real people with their own stories and problems. There are not only public activities. Each person also has a personal life. Even kings and queens are no exception. In this book you can learn more about the unknown side of the royal family. Why did King Edward give up his crown? Why did Princess Margaret have to say goodbye to all men she loved? And what's it like to live in a real palace for all your life? There are many interesting and even funny stories about the royalty.
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Princess Diana
Princess Diana was a very beautiful woman loved by all the British. She changed the idea of the masses about the royal family. She never became Queen of Great Britain, but people called her Queen of the hearts of ordinary people. Diana grew up literally next door to the royal palace. Prince Charles was already a young boy when the little girl Diana was just beginning to grow. This is a story of her life: how she met Charles, fell in love with him and became prince's wife. You can also learn about another serious side of Diana's life. This unusual woman really wanted to change the whole world and tried to do it. It is a pity, but this marriage was not the fairy tale many young girls think of. She had to do a lot on her own and worked to achieve her goals. Still her popularity was huge until the last day of life.
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Forrest Gump
It would be a very difficult case to find at least one person on Earth, who did not know the famous film "Forrest Gump" with Tom Hanks. Certainly, everybody knows and loves this movie. But have you ever read the book on which this film is based? There is a very common situation, when the book is better than the movie. Is this the same case? Let us revise our memories and read a short plot of this story. "This is a true, wonderful and funny story about Forrest Gump. Forrest is a young kind-hearted man from Alabama in the USA. He has won a medal for gallantry in the Vietnam war. The President Of the United States awarded the hero. Forrest was a footballer, a businessman and a film star. He also went in space. His best friend was an ape called Sue."
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Earrings from Frankfurt
Sometimes our brothers and sisters make our life difficult especially if they're younger and you always feel responsibility for them. If they have some troubles, we help them. This book raises a question - can people change if they make a big mistake in life? The main character of the story is Jennifer Walton. She works as a nurse. Jennifer is a kind and responsible person. She has a younger brother and he is her antipode. His name is Richard. He often changes jobs and girls. He always needs money. When the police come to her looking for her brother she isn’t very surprised. Richard had some problems with the police earlier. But then the police start suspecting her as the accomplice in crime. She is shocked. By an unhappy coincidence she was giving her brother's criminal boss a lift to the hospital while the crime was being committed. She didn't know who he was. That was a coincidence. Will the police believe her?
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Me before you
This is a classic love story between a strong successful guy and a modest girl. The book might seem trivial, but the usual plot is viewed from a completely new angle. Will's life is like a dream. He is rich, handsome and successful. The guy loves fast riding a motorcycle and always knows how to achieve any goals. This causes sincere envy of others. One day, Will hurries to a business meeting. Suddenly he falls under the wheels of a motorcycle. This accident changes his life forever. Now Will is confined to a wheelchair. He cannot even eat on his own, so he needs round-the-clock care. It seems, life is over. But at one crucial moment Will meets Louisa. New changes are to happen. Something unexpectable is waiting for the desperate guy.It would be a very difficult case to find at least one person on Earth, who did not know the famous film "Forrest Gump" with Tom Hanks. Certainly, everybody knows and loves this movie. But have you ever read the book on which this film is based? There is a very common situation, when the book is better than the movie. Is this the same case? Let us revise our memories and read a short plot of this story. "This is a true, wonderful and funny story about Forrest Gump. Forrest is a young kind-hearted man from Alabama in the USA. He has won a medal for gallantry in the Vietnam war. The President Of the United States awarded the hero. Forrest was a footballer, a businessman and a film star. He also went in space. His best friend was an ape called Sue."
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Good to Great
Can a good company become a great one and, if so, how? After a five-year research project, Collins concludes that good to great can and does happen. In this book, he uncovers the underlying variables that enable any type of organization to make the leap from good to great while other organizations remain only good. Rigorously supported by evidence, his findings are surprising - at times even shocking - to the modern mind. GOOD TO GREAT achieves a rare distinction: a management book full of vital ideas that reads as well as a fast-paced novel.
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Notting Hill
Anna Scott is a worldwide known movie star. Anna is beautiful and very rich. Everyone is looking for her friendship. Major newspapers and magazines write articles about her. William's life is completely different. He is the owner of a small bookstore in Notting Hill. His business cannot be called very successful. William has good friends and a terrible roommate - Spike. The neighbor takes William's clothes, forgets to give him messages and does not clean up after himself. But one day, William and Anna meet each other. The girl enters the bookstore. They are both lonely, as they are looking for a special person. But can these two find a common language? After all, their lives are too different: she is a famous actress and he is a simple guy from London. But who knows - maybe this meeting was not accidental?
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ABC Murders
This story is told by faithful friend of Hercule Poirot. Old friends used to work together solving crimes, haven't seen each other for years. Captain Arthur Hastings has married and left for South Africa. Poirot himself already retired and worked as private detective. Hastings was passing through London and decided to visit an old friend at his new apartments. Capitan had noticed that Poirot had not changed a lot – famous detective still wit, his mustache still big and beautiful, and he still helps police with their investigations. During the meeting of former colleagues Poirot received a letter from a criminal who challenged him. Author signed as someone mysteries 'ABC' and proposed to solve a crime that will be committed in future. So again Poirot and his partner would work together solving a complicated case.
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Four Weddings and a funeral
The hilarious, Academy Award-nominated screenplay that features six old friends, three disastrous receptions, a tongue-tied priest, and the role that made Hugh Grant the world's favorite bumbling...
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Marley and Me
This is not just a story about a dog. This is a story about a whole family and their love for their pet, a dog named Marley. John and Jenny are young and in love with each other. They have good solid jobs - both work in a big newspaper. One day they decide to buy a puppy. It changes their lives forever. Marley is not an obedient calm puppy. He doesn't not listen to commands, doesn't not try to behave well. He throws things off the table, gnaws on his shoes and spoils things. And he eats everything potted plants or office supplies. When the thunderstorm begins - Marley just goes crazy and starts breaking everything in the house. But he is not a boring dog and makes the life of his owners much more fun. John and Jenny love their dog. And this story tells about the life of Marley - from a puppy to an old wise dog.
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson’s “enthralling” ( The New Yorker) worldwide bestselling biography of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs.Ստանալ գիրքը

Breakfast at Tiffany's
Holly Golightly is an unbelievable young woman. Her way of life and manners are not always objective. She just follows her heart and not mind. She wants some things and tomorrow she will be interested in some other feelings or ideas. Holly wants to live in wealth and luxury. She manages to reach this goal. Despite of a quite young age she can charm almost everyone who spoke to her. Her behavior can be interpreted in different ways. Someone thinks Holly is a dishonest woman. One can say there is nothing wrong in her attitude towards men. Holly's nature doesn't let her stop and settle in a certain place. Her life is one big endless journey, which corresponds to the inscription on her mailbox: "Miss Holiday Golightly. Travels".
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Mr Bean in Town
Mr. Bean decided to go to the restaurant on his Birthday, because he wanted to enjoy his celebration. But to be at the restaurants was unusual situation for him. And our hero demonstrated his strange behavior there. People didn’t understand him. He hadn’t enough money for the order, so he choosed “steak tartare”. He didn’t like this food and big plate for food had bad impression on him. Mr. Bean didn’t know what to do with it. And had found a great decision to hide the meat in things surrounding him. He considered himself very smart in this situation. Than he showed to waiter this dirty place and manager took him a new table and he had a new embarrassing position… Later our hero had to clean his dress and went to the to the launderette. In the launderette he has found a new adventures…
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The Yellow Face
It happed in spring when Sherlock was walking in the park with his friend Dr. Watson. Sherlock Holmes suffered from tedium without work. At that time at Sherlock’s house had come strange guest and forgot his pipe. Returned home and looked at this thing, Holmes described this person exactly he was. His strange visitor was Mr. Grant Munro, he was a merchant of tobacco. Once his wife Effie went out, and returned very pale and panted. Munro didn’t know what Effie did at the highway at 3 a.m. He asked Holms to looked into this case because thought that his wife deceived him. She had been from America and had a husband and a daughter. But they had died.
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127 Hours
This book is based on the real events from the life of the author. He was able to overcome everything and survive. People rarely get such ordeals. Ralph worked as an engineer, but he was keen on extreme sports. Later he quit his job in order to conquer all the mountains in Colorado. Once he went alone on one of such trips without telling anyone. Ralph also had communication problems, as the mobile network often does not work in the mountainous region. This fact did not bother the man. He decided to continue the adventure. The alpinist had only a small backpack with groceries for one day and a penknife. He did not have any other means of survival. Ralph did not even suspect that soon he would have to fight for his own life.
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Sister Love
Marcia met Howard when she was thirty-five years old. This accidental meeting occurred in the church. The man was six years older. He lived in a small house on the outskirts of the city with his old mother. Marcia lived in an apartment with her sister and father. The woman did not work anywhere. Her father was ill and had to sit in the apartment all the time. He spent his days in bed and could not be alone. Marcia looked after him all her free time. She could go out only when her sister was returning from work. The sister was ten years younger and looked very attractive: a good tan, long soft hair. Many men were interested in Karin, and Marcia always remained in the shadow. No one looked at her and no one wanted to meet or dine together.
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The New York Cafe
'The New York Cafe' is a book written for English learners by Michael Dean. Everything happens in New York in the year 2030. What kind of future is it? There are new technologies, flying cars, high incredible buildings. People even make trips to Mars. But this future is not so great. There are also many poor and hungry people in the world. One day somebody will want to change everything. This person will have a wish to help humanity. But how will this person help? By what methods? There are good and bad ways. One day an e-mail comes to New York Cafe. It says, 'I want to help people and make them happy!' But this is not what everyone wants. The police and the president are very interested in this cafe now.
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Lord Mountdrago
Dr. Audlin looked at the clock. It was twenty minutes to six. The doctor was surprised that his patient was late. The doctor's appearance was rather ordinary. He was quite tall, but his narrow shoulders and stoop made him not very attractive. His hair was gray and his face was covered with deep wrinkles. His eyes were big. They had no expression. The doctor looked much older than he really was. He seemed tired and sick man. Dr. Audlin was a psychotherapist. He could relieve pain by his soft hands. He became a very famous doctor with wonderful reputation. The psychotherapist always had many parients. His patients were very different people with dark secrets. But Lord Mountdrago was the strangest patient.
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The Girl with Green Eyes
Greg works at the Shepton Hotel in New York. Opposite the hotel there is a small cozy coffee shop. After work Greg always has a usual glass of favourite coffee there. Every day he sees a beautiful girl with green eyes there. One day the man sits next to her. The girl tells him her name is Cassie. Suddenly she asks for help. Cassie is an artist. Her stepfather has her sketch books. He refuses to give them. So the girl wants them back. Now her stepfather is staying at the Shepton hotel. Greg sees nothing wrong with this and agrees to help. Soon Cassie gets all the sketches. She is happy. The next day, the police arrive at Greg's apartment. They want to talk to him. Greg realises he has got serious troubles.
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Rain Man
Charlie's father died. The son is sure that he will receive all his wealth in inheritance. His father is a millionaire and this money would change the life of a young businessman. But this does not happen. Charlie's brother receives the money. It is unexpected, as Charlie did not even know about the existence of his brother. It seems to Charlie unfair. Charlie's brother is not like other people. He has autism and lives in a hospital for the mentally ill. The young man decides to take his brother from the hospital and convince to give half the money to him. Charlie's brother is a brilliant mathematician. At the same time, he has the mind of a small child. He lives in his fictional world and is terrified of flying airplanes. As a result, the brothers make a car trip through the whole country.
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Breaking Loose
Sometimes it is hard to answer simple questions - where is a person's homeland? Where did he come from? What kind of culture is his native? In the modern world, all countries and nations have mixed up too much to give a definite answer. Two young people meet at the university to dance together. The man is African. The girl is Asian. Everything happens in Africa, in the girl's hometown. The man came from far away. Which of them is a foreigner? And should we look for an answer to this question? A fashion band is playing on the stage. The vocalist is also Asian. He is singing a very fashionable foreign song. Under the stage there are few girls in bright clothes. Another group of girls is standing at the end of the hall and waiting for chairs and tables to be released. The room is very hot. The people are sweating profusely.
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Catch Me If You Can
'Catch Me If You Can' is an autobiography of a former con artist Frank Abagnale. This guy was able to steal 2.5 million dollars by cashing fake checks. Back, then he was not even 20 years old. This book tells about Abagnale's life. At 16, Frank was much more mature than other teenagers. He ran away from home to deal with check counterfeiting. He pretended to be a 26-year-old-man and people believed him. Frank had an incredible intuition. He always sensed when it was necessary to change 'job' so that the police could not catch him. During his career as a swindler, he tried to be a pilot, a doctor, a teacher and even a lawyer. Frank knew how to make people believe him. The FBI could not ignore such scams.
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The Way up to Heaven
Mrs. Foster was terrified of any delay. Either it was being late for a plane, a ship, a train or simply a curtain in a theater rising before she came to the auditorium. In all other matters, she was a calm and sensible woman, but as soon as she began to realize that she was late, she panicked and her eye started twitching. It was really weird. For some people, the simplest actions could turn into a real obsession, and Mrs. Foster was one of those people. The woman left the house half an hour earlier than needed to go the train station. She took the hat, the umbrella and the gloves. This was much better than sitting in a room and being nervous. But for Mr. Foster, his wife's behavior was annoying and he could not understand her.
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What the Shepherd Saw
Corrected version Everything happened at Christmas, in the south of England. That night a bright white moon was illuminating the earth. Shepherds lived on these lands. They kept sheep and grazed them all year round. They had to be close to the herd all the time. Therefore people used small houses on wheels, where they could have a rest and warm themselves. At the same time, it was possible not to lose sight of the precious sheep. One of the huts stood between low trees. It was not so cold; the wind did not pester so much. The house had small windows through which its inhabitants could watch eight hundred sheep grazing nearby. Also it was easy to see ancient stones, built in the form of a doorway. No one already remembered who created this small monument. The locals called this place the Devil's Door.
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Hush Money
The pub was called 'Green Bird'. It had always been quite a popular place. When it was getting dark, a lot of people came there to have a rest. Especially on Fridays. Behind the pub there was a large parking, which was rarely empty. That day there were also many cars. And there was a woman at the parking standing in the darkness and waiting for something. The woman's name was Rosa. She was hiding behind a big tree so that it was harder to notice her. She usually worked at a hotel six days a week, and took a day off on Monday. It was Monday evening. It was rather cold and Rosa felt discomfort. She was wearing a short and not too warm skirt. But the waiting was not too long and soon a middle-aged woman came out of the pub. She went to her car.
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Men and Women
Children notice a lot. They see much more than their parents would like. They do not always understand what they see, but they have keen eyes and sensitive ears. They always understand when the problems start. The girl who lives in this house is not old enough to stop believing in Santa Claus. But she is ready to clash with her mother and does not want to obey her. Her father often takes her to interesting places. The man has a serious thigh injury and the daughter opens the gate for him. To get home, they must open the gate twice and drive through a narrow forest road. The gate must be closed; otherwise the sheep may run away. In this case they will have to be caught. The old car, as usual, is driving home this day. On Saturdays, the man chooses sheep at the market and buys the most beautiful and healthy ones.
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Mrs. Kennedy is sitting at the table and making entries in her diary. She is in a cozy country house, but she does not feel this comfort. A box of products appears at the door every week, but the woman does not open the door. A year has passed since the accident. Charlie delivered food. After he delivered food to Mrs. Kennedy, he could leave the car for the night and use it on his own. He usually drove home to his mother at the wheel of a bright yellow van. They would have dinner together, and then the guy could take the mother to the city. Charlie's mother was sure that the owner of the grocery store was a good person. After all, he allowed her son to take a van for the whole night - and Charlie would drive his mother to a card game. That evening, Charlie was carrying another box of products. The weather was bad. It started raining.
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Christmas in Prague
Jan Vlach was born in Czechoslovakia, but moved to England with his father many years ago. His mother died on Christmas Eve in 1957. Now Jan lives in England and teaches Czech at Oxford University. His wife Carol gets an offer to play in an orchestra in Prague this Christmas. She asks Jan and his father Josef to come with her. Carol flies there earlier as she has rehearsals. After the first rehearsal she goes Christmas shopping. All of a sudden Carol sees her husband in the street. But why has he already come to Prague? What is he doing here? She calls him. But he doesn't stop. He looks at her and then walks away. Carol is shocked. She runs to him but gets into an accident. The woman is taken to hospital. When Jan and Josef finally arrive in Prague, Josef explains everything. It turns out there's more to the story of what happened in 1957.
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Beyond the Wall
The main character of the book was born in NewYork, but lived in Hong Kong. He had a successful business in Asia and the money was always in abundance. Twenty years later, he decided to return home in New York. On the way, he stopped in California for a week. There he had a friend named Mohun Dampier. Dampier never worked. He just lived off his parents. Mohun was also convinced that the magic existed and ruled all his life. He enjoyed reading occult books. When the main character wrote to Mohun, he soon sent a servant to the hotel. In the evening, the main character went by taxi to his friend's house. It was a brick mansion near the ocean. Mohun changed a lot. He looked like an old man. Some interesting changes happened in his life.
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Prisoner for Peace
Aung San Su was born in Burma in a rich respected family. Su's father was killed when the girl was only two years old. But despite this, her childhood was happy. When the girl was fifteen, the whole family mo moved to India. Su was a very smart girl and became interested in politics. This occupation was very easy for her. She got into Oxford, where she met one Englishman. It turned out to be her destiny. Later the couple married. Su and her husband lived happily, but Su did not forget her father. She remembered that he died for his country - Burma. Aung San Su did not choose the simple life of a quiet and inconspicuous housewife. Her youthful interest in politics was not in vain. It changed her life. And also other people's lives.
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One Thousand Dollars
Everything happened in Alabama. Bill Driscoll and Old Hank thought they needed more money. They decided to kidnap a child. People in small towns love their children very much. In such places you can find lazy fat sheriffs who do not like investigating crimes. They found a boy in one of the courtyards. First thing the child threw a stone in the Bill's eye. With great difficulty, they managed to grab the boy, even though he fought like a bear. The child was taken to a cave, not far from the town. There was already a small supply of food. When Bill returned to the cave, he saw a fire in front of it and the boy with feathers in his hair. Old Hank said they were playing Indians. And that was just the beginning. Bill realized that this child could cause more problems than any adult.
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The Happy Prince and the Selfish Giant
This book includes two stories written by the famous Irish author Oscar Wilde. Both tales are about kindness and self-sacrifice. The first story takes us to a big city. In the middle of the city, there is a statue of the Happy Prince. He is made of gold and decorated with some precious stones. He always looks happy. But in reality, he has a reason to be sad. The Prince asks a little Swallow for help. The Swallow faces a difficult choice, as his friends are waiting for him in Egypt. A Giant is the main character of the second story. He is the owner of a beautiful garden. The Giant is very selfish and he does not allow children to play near his house. That is why Spring never comes to his garden. Only one little boy manages to melt the Selfish Giant's heart and return beauty to the garden.
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Muhammad Ali
Everybody knows the record the stuff of almanacs, trade magazines and clipping services. A handful know the man. But only Muhammad Ali knows his life as he lived it. The Greatest is Ali's own story. For six years he worked, traveled and talked with Richard Durham, a writer with a stunning talent, and the result is mesmerizing in its brilliance, drama, humanity and sheer entertainment. This is no documented scrapbook of wins and losses strung together with anecdotes; nor is it a thin potpourri of locker room gags. This book, like Ali who has incited every reaction except indifference goes straight to the place where responses to him have always been the gut. When the history of the twentieth century is finally recorded, it must include Muhammad Ali. He is "The Greatest."
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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Corrected version This story became widely known after its adaptation in movie. The literary original itself was written a long time ago. The protagonist of the story is Walter. He has a boring and ordinary life, like hundreds of thousands of other people. Walter goes to work he doesn't like; the weekend goes fast. The only feature of this person is a rich imagination. In his fantasies, he is transported far from the annoying routine. He becomes a fearless traveler, astronaut or real Casanova. In dreams, Walter achieves everything he wants. In real life he is in love with his colleague, but he cannot tell her about it. Soon something happens and changes Walter's monotonous life. He will have to go on a long journey not in his fantasies, but in reality.

Missing in Sydney
Three friends Ami, Lisa and Claire decided to have a great holiday before entering the university. The friends had been planning this vacation for two years. They arrived in hot Australia from cold London in search of adventures and impressions. What could be better that a celebration of New Year on the beach in Sydney? During the party Lisa discovered that she had forgotten her purse. So she asked her friends to lend her some money. Instead of a not big sum she got many reproaches form Ami and Claire that she was always forgetting her money. Lisa got angry and joined another group which was also celebrating. The beach was full of people. After the party Ami and Claire didn't find Lisa. She wasn't in the room of the hostel where they stayed. She didn't come in the morning either. The girls started looking for her.

Jennifer Lopez
A heroine of this story is a Latin American girl from a poor American emigrant family. She reached the tops in the show business, cinema and garment business. It was thanks to her nature talent and enormous diligence. Nowadays Jennifer Lopez is a recognized queen of pop music who drives men crazy around the world with her bright beauty. Her impressive success sets a great example for women. Jennifer’s biography is a vivid example of how a simple woman from an indigent family can achieve her goal through faith and diligence. It is a definite proof that everything is possible. Your life is in your own hands. Your fate depends on you. This book will inspire the reader to follow his cherished dream and change life for the better.

The Blind Man
Isabel Pervin sat in the house. She was listening to two sounds: to the noise of cars outside the window and to her husband's footsteps in the hall. They were once a happy couple. But this happiness disappeared. Her husband had been blinded in the war in France. He was totally blind. Isabel did everything to help him but sometimes her husband was obnoxious. She was going to have a baby. Isabel was happy. But she was also worried. The woman decided to give all her love and attention to her future child. But what about her husband? But something made Isabel happy - her old friend Bertie wrote to her. Bertie was like a brother to her, even closer than her own brothers. And now she was waiting for him to arrive. But her husband and Bertie didn't love each other. Isabel couldn't imagine how this meeting would happen.

A Gathering of Bald Men
In the modern world people have a lot of worries that did not exist a hundred years ago. It can be a lack of money or a stupid annoying boss. The daughter dates some guy who is not good enough for her. The wife does not understand and does not want to make contact. At work situation is bad too. No one listens, even when there are good offers. Caleb lives that way. He is a little over forty. Caleb has two teenage daughters, a house and pets. But he is not very happy. The man sells insurance to customers, but they rarely want to pay. And he worries about the money owed to the bank. Recently he noticed that he started going bald. Caleb's uncle died and now he hopes to get an inheritance, which will help him a little in this financial situation.

Red Dog
This book is written on the basis of a real story that happened several decades ago. Everything happened in Australia. The protagonist of this story is an ordinary red dog, whose name is Blyui. This dog has become a real celebrity in the western part of the country. All the local residents love it. Blyui is very kind and incredibly smart. Everyone greets the red dog with sincere joy. He can appear in any city and live there for several months among local residents. Blyui can simply jump out onto the road, stop the car and go on a trip. This way he has been travelling for a long time. Once the dog meets that one special person, to whom he becomes attached. So Blyui makes a firm decision to stay with him.

Are you used to the fact that your personal life belongs only to you and is a secret? You can communicate with anyone you want, visit any place and you do not have to worry what others will think. But this book will be able to change your view. Jack has a very interesting job. He is a forensic expert. There are no secrets from him. He is investigating the most complex cases with the help of new technologies. Now he is working on a case involving the murder of eighteen schoolgirls and a scandal worth tens of millions of dollars. But suddenly Jack learns the terrible news - the wife of his best friend has been killed. The woman was also his lover. The man forgets about everything and starts looking for the killer. But this decision can lead to some serious consequences.

The Extraordinary Miss Sunshine
Not every person's childhood is very happy. Not always school is a carefree period. Alice May moves to another city with her parents. An eleven-year-old girl is excited. But she faces bullying in her new school. Alice doesn't want to tell her parents about this. If her father speaks to the teachers, the situation will get worse. She is not the only child in this situation. A group of teenagers doesn't like those children who are clever and always do their homework. They think only bad children are cool. But one day everything changes. A new music teacher appears in this school. This is Miss Sunshine. She is different from the other teachers. Her attitude and methods of work are very interesting.

Fashion and Lies
Women considered Christian as a very attractive man. He had soft and shiny dark hair and bright blue eyes. He inherited his appearance from his mother. Also mother cultivated in him love of good clothes. Christian was tall, stylish and elegant. He always looked great. It was not strange that he decided to become a fashion designer when he was younger than seventeen years old. Today he is almost thirty, and he is very good at his profession. But the character of that man does not allow him to be just successful. He wants to be the best! At nine in the morning he enters the office. It is an old and successful fashion house. Christian's boss name is Norma. She is a little over fifty. She is not a very happy and kind person, but a real professional. At the sight of Christian she rises from the table.

Manchester United
The stadium is quiet. Nearly fifty thousand fans of the Manchester United team are silent. They have come to Barcelona with their favorite team to support them. So far, Bayern wins, but the gap is quite small. The players are tired. They are demoralized and not sure that they can win. Finally, some more active activities start on the field. And Manchester United scores one goal. It happens at the very end of the game, at the last minute of the match. The fans cheer up. After all, now their team has a chance. But there is less than a minute before the end of the match. Now it is completely incomprehensible how it will end. And the miracle happens. Another goal from Manchester United. They win the match in the final seconds. It was May of 1999.

Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King is known worldwide as an uncompromising fighter for human rights. He was the first African-American politician of such magnitude. He was a religious preacher, as well as a real romantic and a dreamer until the last day of his life. At the age of fifteen, Martin got a convincing victory in the competition of speakers. Young Martin studied in Boston and received a PHD in theology. In the fifties he joined a large organization that was engaged in protecting the rights of citizens. Martin Luther King headed it for the rest of his life. This man never resorted to violence: he protested exclusively peacefully. There was not a single case where followers of Luther King were observed in the riots. Like their leader, the followers were humanists.

The Beatles
This book tells about the story of the world famous group that has changed the world. Its heritage is millions of fans, a huge number of concerts and thousands of imitators. This group is listened to even today, despite the fact that it has not been performing for a long time. One of the musicians John Lennon died many years ago. All four band members were born during World War II in Liverpool. Life was hard at that time. But in Liverpool there was world news appearing. One day, rock and roll from the United States got there and four teenagers understood what they would do. It seemed to be a gateway to a new, more interesting life. Later they found each other and got such a success, which the musicians of that time could not even dream of. The beginning of a musical career was not easy, but they were able to leave a mark in history.

Get Shorty
Chili Palmer is a gangster who lives in Miami. Once he gets valuable advice from an old friend - he learns how one can easily get a lot of money. So Chili goes to a horror movie producer named Harry. After all, what could be easier than knocking money out of a debtor? But all of a sudden he makes friends with Harry. And then the gangster remembers his childhood dream. He wanted to make his own horror movie. Chili realises that the perfect moment for this has come. Together they decide to write an exciting plot based on the experience of Chili. The real gangster has overcome many scary things. Harry agrees to start this project as he simply has no other choice. But man proposes, God disposes. The next movie is to turn into a bunch of problems.

The book is based on the famous American thriller with the main Hollywood stars in the lead roles. According to the story, two police detectives are investigating the case of the serial killer John Doe. The maniac considers himself as the instrument of God and consistently pushes people for seven deadly sins. The killer exposes his victims to fatal physical and mental suffering, which is prepared with a cold premeditation. Each expose is carefully planned. Each victim (as Doe thinks) is the standard of that sin to be punished. The sophisticated tormentor and murderer leaves only a title of the sin and a clever puzzling clue at the crime scene, allowing to find the next 'sinner'. John Doe thinks his activity is a sermon aimed to teach the citizens a good lesson.

Board Games
Arthur Mowbray is a head of a huge company. He created his company after he had invented a board game “Mowbray’s Killer”. The game was made of cardboard and Plasticine figures. One day something terrible happened. His body was found in the dining room of his country house. Inspector Ainsworth started investigating this case. He has no evidence and no witnesses. But there are many suggestions. Ainsworth suspects that one of the directors can be guilty. He has to dive into the world of a fierce competition between the employees to learn the real truth and to find the killer. Will he be able to remain unharmed at the end? And the company is not so great it appears to be at first glance. Let’s see what a single inspector can do against the entire corporation.

The Problem Of Cell 13
The public knew Professor Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen as The Thinking Machine and perhaps this phrase described him best of all. He always was in his small laboratory where he invented brilliant theories that shocked scientists and had a profound effect on the world. Once he argued with his friends, he tried to convince that "the mind is master of everything". "No man can escape from a cell just using only his brain. If it could be possible, no prisoners would be at all. Just let's imagine a case. A cell for prisoners who are condemned to death. These men will do anything to try to escape. Imagine you were in that cell. Could you escape?" "Certainly, lock me in any cell of any prison where you want in any time, give me only casual clothes and I'll escape from there only in a week."

Women in Business
What do you need to become successful? Is it a luck, a talent or just a hard work? In this book, you will learn about four outstanding women of the XX century. Thanks to their sense of purpose, inner strength and a maniacal desire, they achieved a great success. They made their dreams come true. These women transformed from the charming gentle creatures into the fearsome sharks in various business sectors. They destroyed the old stereotypes, brought some new ideas and gave a chance for new young talented people. Perhaps, there would be no many modern famous and popular stars now if there were no first businesswomen. These ladies were the pioneers in the rude man's world but they managed to get everything they wanted due to their unbelievable persistence and abilities.

Management Gurus
Manager is a profession that appeared not so long ago. But it developed in every sector of business, service and production very fast. Nowadays it's almost impossible to imagine any successful business without thoughtful management. The more different organizations developed, the less understanding among different departments in every area was left. And then managers came to help. They give different tasks, control their fulfillment in the different departments and take the main part in the organization development in general too. In this book you will read four stories about successful managers. They didn't only make amazing careers but also made their companies world leaders.

Great Crimes
This book tells about the most famous criminals in the United States. This is not about ordinary petty offenders. These people became really famous by their deeds. Only the most interesting and unusual cases are presented in this story. Dr. Hawley Harvey Krippen met a young girl named Cora. Harvey's first wife died long time ago. Later he married this beautiful girl. Cora was cruel, domineering and did not love her husband. She was dreaming about the career of the singer and wanted her husband to earn much more money. Doctor's salary was too small to pay for the vocal lessons. Cora was not very good at singing. No matter how hard she tried to perform - she failed to become a famous star. One day she suddenly disappeared.

The Intelligence of Wild Things
This book tells the story of one family. They all lived in India. The main character moved to America and began to live in California. His sister Tarun stayed to live with his mother. The girl was very attached to her. Later the reader discovers that the mother made her son leave the country and go to the college. The political situation in India was very tense, and the woman wanted her son to be safe. Many men in the country died at that time. He refused for a long time, but was forced to agree. The disputes were very long. Finally, the woman convinced her son at the cost of great difficulties. Mom often sends letters to the young man, but he never answers. At the end, the mother confesses why her son left the country. The book is about the great love of a mother for her children. The author shows how far she would go in order to protect them.

The Stepmother
The main heroes of this story are the boy Lakshman and his stepmother. As it is said at the beginning, the conflict is built on the traditional image of the evil stepmother. At least, this is how Lakshman views his father's new wife. Things have been going differently, since the stepmother appeared in their house. The boy does everything to provoke his stepmother. Once she decides to buy new shoes for Lakshman. The boy protests, although he really needs ones. He just does not want to be seen together with his new mother by his friends. If he doesn't go, there will be no shoes - this is the verdict of the stepmother. Lakshman breaks an expensive almirah to take revenge. It was the wedding gift of the newlyweds. But what will be his punishment? And will they be able to find a compromise if the most expensive, what the boy has - his savings for a bicycle - are put at stake?

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci is a man who was more than for hundred years ahead of his time. He achieved a stunning success in various areas. He was a writer, an inventor, a musician and an artist. But he considered himself a scientist. He was the first who understood the human anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci is the clearest example of the universal man. He is primarily known as an artist and the greatest representative of High Renaissance art. He was born in the 15th century and created a drawing of the aircraft. People began to fly only a century later. Leonardo proposed a project of an ideal city with the sewerage system, but the Duke of Milan rejected his project. Several centuries later, the project was recognized as a perfect basis for the construction of the city. Even nowadays Leonardo da Vinci remains one of the most mysterious and brilliant people of the second millennium.

A Friend in Need
People are sure that the first impression about a person is always correct. But this is not always true. If you have been studying people for more than thirty years, you can notice one important pattern. People often think that appearance shows character. But the longer people know each other, the less they know about each other. Over time, a person becomes more and more mysterious. Many can only say about their old friends that they know nothing about them. These thoughts visit the writer when he reads about the death of his old friend. That man was a merchant and lived in Japan. He was a short old man with bright blue eyes and a red face. He was very slim for his age. And the man behaved unusually for such an appearance.

Eat, Pray, Love
'Eat, Pray, Love' is the autobiography of Elizabeth Gilbert. In 2010, the world saw a film adaptation of this novel with Julia Roberts in the title role. A woman is happy when she has a husband, an interesting job and many friends. This is what modern people think. They do not understand that this is not always enough. It is better to be unhappy inside and not to show it to anyone. But is it worth leading such a way of life? Elizabeth was able to start something new. She wanted to love, feel and enjoy life again. She was a modern woman who deserved happiness. In this book, Elizabeth Gilbert tells her story, which has everything: pain, the pressure of the society she lived in and the final escape from everyone.

The Ghost
Do you know who a ghostwriter is? It's an author who helps celebrities write their autobiographies. And that's what I am doing for living. Now I am working on the autobiography of a famous footballer. Suddenly my agent calls me and asks for a meeting. He says that Adam Lang, ex-prime minister of Great Britain urgently looks for a new ghostwriter. His previous ghostwriter was found dead at the beach. The police think it was a suicide. I have never written about politics and I'm not interested in it. I think politicians' memories are the most boring books. And this is where I should refuse and come back to my safe and easy life. But the money is good. Finally I decide to go on an interview. Next day everything begins. My girlfriend leaves me. Someone attacks and robs me. What will be next?

Legally Blonde
Lots of people watched a fun comedy starring Reese Witherspoon. But not everyone knows that the film was based on the book. The plot does not start too original. We meet Elle Woods. She is young, beautiful and socially active. Elle even won the title of Miss University. Her boyfriend is also very popular. Elle wants to marry Warner. But the guy is sure his girlfriend is too stupid and does not think about their future. He hides from Elle his plans about admission into Harvard. He also wants to find another more intelligent partner. When Elle goes to Harvard to her boyfriend, she finds out he has been already engaged to another girl for some time. This could be the beginning of a protracted depression. But Elle is not used to being discouraged. She decides to make Warner regret his hasty decision.

Business at the Speed of Thought
This book inspires everybody to take actions for their future. The greatest billionaire, the head of a huge computer company "Microsoft" Bill Gates wrote it. The book was published in 1999. The author shares his knowledge of business principles and how to use information technology properly. If you want to create your own business, it is not enough being led only by your intuition and luck. The modern business is a powerful system, which already uses advanced information technologies. The book is addressed to those people who do not want to stop on the achieved results but prefer to use new technologies for their business, to bring it to automatism. Here you will also find stories of life of many people who have achieved success without much effort.

Business at the Speed of Thought
The man with rough appearance has come into the town of Digne. It was in October 1815. He has just stand in the inn, but suddenly innkeeper has gone him out because the past of the man. Innkeeper has known that the name of this stranger is Jean Valjean and he has just been released from the prison. He’s been in prison for nineteen years for violent robbery and for trying to escape. In the other inns were the same. The news about prisoner quickly shared between townspeople and nobody gave him the bad. Nobody, except one man. It was a bishop. The priest gave Valjean a shelter for the night and fed him. At night, after some sleep, prisoner decided to robber that house, because the life had been unfair to him and he was very angry. This desperate decision will change his life… forever.